30+ reviews


Looking to make a lasting impression
with a contemporary website?

Let me bring your vision to life quickly, stress-free, and at a competitive price. Use my personalized questionnaire to generate a customized price offer in just 3 minutes.

Don’t buy a pig in a poke.

Are you intrigued by the idea of a new website but uncertain about its visual outcome?

I will provide a price offer and a content preview for FREE

Once you have completed the questionnaire, we will connect either through e-mail or schedule an online consultation. This will allow me to grasp your vision and expectations for the upcoming website. 

As part of our service, I will craft a personalized content plan for FREE (which typically values at 3500 CZK). Following the approval of the content plan, I will then prepare a customized price offer for you.


Satisfaction guaranteed

I adhere to the motto "everything for the customer". If you are not completely satisfied, I will gladly refund your money.

Tailored service

You are investing only in the experienced programmer. This means savings on middlemen and expensive prices of large agencies.

Expert point of view

My expertise comes from numerous successful web projects, providing knowledge on what truly works.

How does it work?

A quick guide on the dynamics of our collaboration.

You will answer a few questions.

In the questionnaire, I ask about your business, your idea, and your goals.

One call and you will receive a personalized recommendation.

Based on your idea and expectations, I will create a customized price offer.

I'll craft a website content plan for FREE

If the proposal aligns with your needs. We will agree on cooperation


Find out more about me and my work

6 years of experience and dozens of success stories

With six years of expertise in website development and SEO optimization, coupled with a background in graphics I strive to engage effectively with clients. Focused on agreed-upon pricing and deadlines, I approach each project with a deep commitment, emphasizing usability and business …

Finished projects

dozens of finished projects

Reviews from the Czech Republic

If you don’t believe reviews on internet, there is a contact and their website for each review. You can call them and check how satisfied they were with me. I really care about it.

Petr Suldovský
Petr Suldovský
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Velmi rychlá spolupráce a přicházel i s vlastními nápady a to oceňuji. Do budoucna se opět obrátím.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Patrik udělal skvělou práci na našem webu oknamistr.cz. Byl hrozně rychlý, s ním se super bavilo a opravdu chápal, co potřebujeme. Díky němu máme web, který vypadá dobře a je snadný na používání.
Šárka Soukupová
Šárka Soukupová
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Zdravím, Patriku, chtěla bych touto mojí první google recenzí Vám poděkovat za práci na webu sardiniahome.cz, kterou jste odvedl perfektně. Mohu vás směle ostatním doporučit. Vše dobré:)
Zuzana Schubertová
Zuzana Schubertová
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Patriku, moc děkujeme za krásný web. Jste nejen sympaťák, se kterým se velmi dobře komunikuje, ale kromě graficky vypracovaných a funkčních stránek jste nám dal i spoustu užitečných rad, jak se o ně starat. Vřele Vás doporučujeme ostatním. Ať se Vám daří ve všem, co děláte. Zuzana a Viktor, interiérové studio Epes Rádes
Jiří Škvrna
Jiří Škvrna
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Pán mi pomohl vytrhnout trn z paty, když se předchozí webmaster odporoučel a spadl nám WEB. Dohodli jsme si cenu a tu dodržel, myslím, že mu to nakonec dalo více práce. Komunikace super. Doporučuji více takovýchto lidí.
Petr Lasák (Svatební fotograf)
Petr Lasák (Svatební fotograf)
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Výborná komunikace, naprostá spokojenost s výsledkem web.stránek.
Ladislav Štěpánek
Ladislav Štěpánek
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Velmi kladně hodnotím přístup k mému vcelku specifickému požadavku a snahu vyhovět. Výsledek odpovídal stanovenému cíli.
Ekonomické Bydlení s.r.o.
Ekonomické Bydlení s.r.o.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Kvalitní a rychlá práce, dobrá komunikace a velký přehled o dané problematice. Děkuji a budeme se těšit na další spolupráci.
Ivana Krejčiříková
Ivana Krejčiříková
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Patrik vytvářel web pro naše svatební místo a spolupráce s ním byla příjemná a profesionální. Mohu doporučit.
Jakub Bogdan
Jakub Bogdan
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Patrik postupuje systematicky a smysluplně. Určitě bych doporučil. Vše má řád a díky tomu má seo postupný efekt a na webu jsou vidět změny krok po kroku.

Most frequently asked questions

We can arrange a call to discuss everything or if you want to speed up the process please include: Logo (colours for your site) Content (or I’ll just leave sample text that you can edit later) Customization requests/links to other sites Any images/videos if you have them.

I’ll develop your website with a high-resolution sample image and placeholder text. Once your content is ready, we can easily upload it to the website.

Absolutely! I excel in graphic design and will craft a compelling company logo tailored to your services. Suitable for both online and print usage.

The website will feature user-friendly customization options in the administration panel. Additionally, I can assist with various adjustments if needed.

Costs are tailored individually based on the project’s scope. I categorize websites into three types: Simple, More Advanced, and Extensive websites/e-shops. The offer is then priced according to the required hours of work. If you’re interested in additional services like website editing, SEO, PPC, etc., my hourly rate is 75 €

Once more, it varies based on the project type and size. Following a collaborative consultation, I outline all the details of the services and work. At a minimum, web design includes:

Structured introduction page (following a template)
Development and design of subpages
WordPress setup with the Elementor Pro extension for streamlined
Integration of content and images
Inclusion of a contact form
SEO settings – Analysis of robots.txt, sitemap.xml, duplicate content, headings, and
Responsiveness across devices – PC, tablet, mobile, and more

Certainly. After approval of the price offer, an initial 50 % deposit is required. The remaining amount will be settled upon completion of the website to your satisfaction.

I recommend acquiring web hosting and a domain through Czech-based Wedos for its user-friendly administration and cost-effectiveness.

Avail a 50% discount with code – WN232MQFTN


Just 3-5 Minutes

I recommend free solution tailored to your goals and I will make a quote same day completion of the questionnaire.

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